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News August 17, 2018

Prota Attended One-To-One Meetings with DEIK In Abuja

Prota attended one-to-one meetings with Turkey’s Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK) on 3rd of August in Abuja. At the visits, the committee expressed the improvements in the Turkish economy, investments and business opportunities between Nigeria and Turkey and highlighted the necessity to increase countertrade between the nations.

The committee officially visited the major institutions in Abuja and introduced itself to the upper level managers of those institutions. The committee visited the following institutions;

  • Economic Community of West African States (ECOVAS)
  • African Export – Import Bank
  • Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Turkish Embassy in Abuja

About the visits, Prota’s Business Development Manager Gianni Kubin stated that “With a population of nearly 200 million, Nigeria is a candidate to become the strongest country in Africa. The United Nations expects the country to become the third-most crowded country in the world by 2050. As Prota, we want to increase our services in this country and contribute to the engineering sector. With the support of DEIK, we had the opportunity to introduce ourselves to major commercial institutions in Abuja and established great relationships which will help us achieve our goals in this region.